About Core Love

You do so much for everyone in your life. You deserve something for yourself.

 As seen on

Meet Kaye Burrows

Hi! I’m Kaye, a leading expert in core and pelvic floor fitness.

I help women and mothers build a strong, fit body that can keep up with the busy and full lives they live.

At Core Love we believe that women have a right to accurate and specific advice through every stage of womanhood and motherhood:

  • Trying to conceive

  • Pregnancy 

  • Early postpartum

  • Parenting

  • Perimenopause and Menopause

No matter which phase you are in, we can help you strengthen and heal your core and pelvic floor.  You deserve a trusted expert in your corner who knows the ins and outs of prolapse, diastasis recti, incontinence and the other major changes we go through as women.

If you feel like you don’t recognize the way your body looks and feels, you are not alone and it isn’t your fault.  The fitness industry’s standard workouts and diet plans have not been created with you in mind.  

We know the power inside all women so we strive to build up and empower you instead of asking you to force yourself to fit into cookie-cutter standards of society and the fitness industry.  When women feel strong, confident and valued, the ripple effect is transformative for all of us. 

Core Love Fitness

Peeing your pants or feeling like your organs might fall out does not have to be your norm.

After becoming a mother myself, I was shocked at the changes my body went through.  I was doubly shocked at the lack of quality exercise coaching available for me postpartum.  As a coach, phys ed and Biology High School teacher, I knew a lot about the human body.  And still, I felt like I didn’t recognize myself in my postpartum version.

Leaving a workout class with pee-soaked pants and achy back pain left me feeling exhausted and frustrated.  My “safe” pregnancy exercise classes had done nothing to prepare me for the physical work of caring for a baby and toddlers all day long. 


The vague advice of “listen to your body wasn’t helpful. I didn’t understand this new language my body was speaking.  

I became obsessed with finding better information, and in that quest, I cracked the code on “listening to my body”.  By the time I had my third baby, my body felt better than it had pre-kids.  

I am now on a mission to show other mothers and women how to learn their body so they can actually listen to their body and in time, love their body.  

Our members love using our 123+R Framework, a system that customizes your workouts for your body, time, stress and energy levels.

When you and your body are talking the same language, you will feel at home in a body that you love. 

Core Love Fitness Programs

Meet the Core Team

Shannon Dickie

Hi, I am Shannon! 

I love a good latte while I dive into my latest fantasy novel.  When I am not cheering on the amazing and strong women of Core Love, you can catch me heading out on an outdoor adventure with my two kids, my husband and our pup, Otis.  

Other than my family, there is nothing more important to me than seeing women take really great care of themselves.  I’ve dealt with pelvic pain and peeing when I exercise.  I struggled postpartum with the way my belly looked and wondered why my core muscles had disappeared.  

As I learned how to strengthen my core from the inside out, I also transformed my mental health.  The physical strength I gained created confidence for me in every other area of my life.

Introducing The Core Love Process

  • #1: Challenge without Overwhelm

    The 123+R Framework will set you up with customized workouts that are designed to meet you exactly where you are right now while getting you the results you want.

  • #2: Learn your body so you can Listen to your body

    Finally understand your anatomy and hormones. Connect with your deep core and pelvic floor without 1000s of kegals.

  • #3: Full body fitness that strengthens your pelvic floor

    (without peeing your pants or feeling like your organs might fall out)

    In just a few workouts a week, you will work your entire body in short and effective workouts designed specifically for the female body and motherhood.

  • #4: Ditch the Martyrdom

    Learn simple mindset shifts and tweaks to your fitness and nutrition that will transform how you feel every single day. You deserve some of that amazing care that you give to everyone around you.

All with expert core and pelvic floor trainers and an amazing community of women who truly care and want to see you thriving alongside them.  

Want a little Core Love in your life?