More in 2017

A few days into 2017, how are your resolutions going?  Did you make any?


A few things about that:


1) Only pick 1 thing.  Research has shown us again and again that we are most likely to meet our goals if we only change one thing at a time.  If you are trying to change more, it is a near guarantee that you will not be able to sustain the change.


2) Be specific.  Ex.  “I want to get in shape in 2017” is something I have heard from a lot of people.  But what does that even mean? Are you going to take up running?  Yoga?  Strength training?  Do you want to strengthen your core?  Change the way you look?  Those are all very different things that require very different strategies to be successful.


3) Lastly, and more importantly, WHY do you want to achieve your goal?  Take some time to reflect on this; is your goal to be less?  So many times, in so many ways, the fitness/diet/beauty industry is telling women to be less.


For example:


Don’t celebrate the gift and profound accomplishment of conceiving, growing, birthing and raising your child(ren), instead do whatever you can to weigh less and be smaller.  The baby weight should be lost (sometimes at all costs). 


Instead of eating delicious food with lots of vegetables for their many nutrients, healing properties and ability to nourish your body, eat a plain, simple salad because there are less calories. 


Take up less space. 


Have less needs. 


Less opinions.  Less demands.


Less, less, less. 


Instead of less, I want the women around me to be more.


Spend less time thinking about food and more time thinking about how you can use your gifts.


Less energy wishing your body could be different and more energy learning your body so you can love it.  


Less late nights taking care of everyone else and more sleep and rest for you.


Less exercise to burn calories and more exercise to give yourself strength and confidence.


More adventures, more creating, more love, more laughter. 


You have so much more to offer the world, but you have to let go of being less to do it. 


I am so looking forward to 2017 because I plan on spending MORE time learning about myself and what I love and less time worrying about the stuff that I don’t.  Sign up here to stay in the loop with Core Love and please let me know what you have planned for 2017.  I can't wait to see what the amazing women around me accomplish this year!

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